

Is a practice of developing your inner power and creative ability. Learn how to curate your mind to experience in physical reality.






The Beauty of the True Self

"Within the past few months I’ve been unlocking access to my universal brain. I am learning detachment from self to let self breathe. Realizing freedom doesn’t require an apology from anyone, a certain item, or a certain accomplishment.  It doesn’t exist anyway. Shedding this from my vessel and putting it in to improvisational movement was a pure healing process for myself. Through this message I hope that the viewers gain insight, or at least feel through this video. A passion project about realizing the beauty of true self for me could be a reminder for the viewer to just take a second and breathe. Either way, it has connected. And now the ripple has begun." - Cara Diaz

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Nancy Addison

• Internationally-Renowned Nutritionist, Chef, Environmental Specialist, Award-Winning Author, Speaker, and Radio Show Host •

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PART I - Food As My Medicine

I talk to Nancy Addison an Internationally-Renowned Nutritionist, Chef, Environmental Specialist, Award-Winning Author, Speaker, and Radio Show Host.  Her 30 years of research in organic nutrition and health has become International Award Winning Books which can be found here:

Nancy shares her background and childhood growing up with an unhealthy diet and lack of nutrition.  In her youth she remembers being told to use unhealthy white refined types of foods like refined flour, salt, and sugar.  Which led her to being Acute Anemic, Pre-Diabetic and almost going blind.  Growing up in Texas, she grew up on a lot of meat based and fried foods.  

When her father died in her 20’s, she realized he was never going to see his 2 grand children grow up.  So she decided to make a change in her diet and use food as her medicine.  After learning about GMO’s, the treatment of animals at slaughterhouses and more, she decided not to participate in a meat based diet.  Since changing to a plant based diet, growing an organic farm, making her own baby food and learning about nutrition, she has healed herself and hasn’t been sick since.

PART II - Plant & Creature Protein

Nancy talks about her research and advice she has on being conscious of your health.  She talks about the danger of tap water which is full of chlorine and fluoride.  Which are accumulative poisons which can effect your body drastically.  She talks about her books and the water information regarding filtering, bottled water and how to structure your water.  

30 years ago when she went vegetarian in Dallas, Texas she had to deal with people yelling at her calling her evil and how hard it was to find restaurants that didn’t have lard or chicken fat in everything.  Her research has led to learning that having a plant based diet can reverse heart disease, diabetes and cancers.  With overall half of the entire US with chronic disease, this information can help those cure themselves, by just what they eat.

She also clarifies what is meat and calls it creature proteins and how they act in our body.  People who had a majority of meat in their diet were 75% likely to die from any disease.  She talks about the proteins in plants called Amino Acids which is the building blocks of what the body really needs.  Over the last 50 years the meat and dairy industry propaganda has led us to believe we need meat but in reality, it’s the opposite of what our body needs.  

PART III - Preparing Food For Kids

Nancy talks about preparing foods and how she raised her kids on a plant based diet.  She started making organic baby food, non-chlorinated & non-fluoride water and was conscious of what her children responded to in their diet.  Having so much sugar, food coloring, and MSG (which causes brain damage) in food everywhere, she discusses how children react to their parents and how they watch what your doing which affects their behavior.  

Her children helped her make homemade bread with garbanzo bean flour and learned how to prepare their food.  She empowered her children to make their own decisions in regards to what they choose to eat.  She got them involved in preparing meals, grocery shopping, knowing how to see the quality of the product, and then went home and cooked the food together as a family.  

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PART IV - Change Your Diet = Change Your Life

Nancy talks about energy in our food and how love should be always be the main ingredient.  In her books she talks about how the first year of a child’s life is one of the most important times that they are effected by food.  Food is what makes us feel safe and loved, it’s our comfort.  We turn to food when we’ve had a bad day and it reminds us of our childhood and unconditional love.  

Most of her clients that she works with today is how to change the comfort food they want.  She shares alternatives to candy, meat, ice cream and more on wonderful nutritional replacements that are good for you.  She notices how we need to stop gulping stuff down and sit down and savor our food.  She also describes what Electrolytes are how salt is more valuable than gold.  Our bodies need salt and she shares how white salt has all the  electrolytes taken out of it and added with high fructose corn syrup and iodine added to it.  Our body reads white salt as a poison.  Real salt is unrefined mineral rich salt which adults should have at least 1 teaspoon a day so our bodies could function.  She also informs how important salt was during wars and in our history and how important these minerals are in our body.

She recommends Bolivian Rose Sea Salt which she uses daily and carries with her.  She gargles it with water and drinks it, which keeps her hydrated and her body healthy.  The water, salt and vegetables in your diet are the 3 key things in having a healthy life.  

PART V - The Power of Being Healthy

Nancy finishes our interview with links to her books/website and shares how her books have more information to non-toxify your home, grocery shop and more.  They also include resources for tools to have a healthy life.   Since 2008, she’s been apart of the International Speakers Association and has traveled the world talking about this information.  She talks about what she’s working on currently and developing a healing diet with doctors and writing more books and helping more communities have access to farmers markets and organic vegetables. 

She talks about how her information is different because she didn’t go to school about nutrition or how to be a chef.  She taught herself along with information about our environment and created a more comprehensive way to look at it health and nutrition.  Over the years the information has become so complicated and with her books, she  gives you the tools to take control of your life. 

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I talk to Nancy Addison an Internationally-Renowned Nutritionist, Chef, Environmental Specialist, Award-Winning Author, Speaker, and Radio Show Host   Her 30 years of research in organic nutrition and health has become International Award Winning Books which can be found here:

How to be A Healthy Vegetarian

Diabetes and Your Diet

Lose Weight, Get Healthy

Raising Healthy Children


Louise Kay

Louise's invitation is to recognize our true nature as that which transcends body, mind and the realm of experience. Resting as this awareness, she supports an exploration of whatever arises in the moment through self-enquiry and holds gentle, unconditionally loving space for what is. This non-doing and surrender allows for profound inner transformation and a letting go of any unconscious beliefs, behaviors and energies that are ready to be released.

PART I / Embodied Awareness + Meetings in Presence

I talk to Louise Kay about her new sessions and departure from channeling called Embodied Awareness and Meetings for Presence.  It’s an invitation is to recognize our true nature as that which transcends body, mind and the realm of experience.

Resting as this awareness, she supports an exploration of whatever arises in the moment through self-enquiry and holds gentle, unconditionally loving space for what is. This non-doing and surrender allows for profound inner transformation and a letting go of any unconscious beliefs, behaviors and energies that are ready to be released.

PART II / Remembering Our True Nature

Louise talks about her transformation in India and a deepening to a calling/longing in the heart.  To just being.  Most of the suffering that we experience as humans are the belief in the thoughts we experience.  By meeting in the moment and going deeper, we can remain more still in life.  By going through our conditions and beliefs we can release these subtle energies and be less triggered.  By letting ourselves go quiet, we can meet others on a much deeper level and be vulnerable and more authentic.  We all want to connect to others and open our hearts but we go about it the wrong way.  If we can stay with the discomfort of silence and drop our attention to the heart and connect this way, it’s beautiful and creates a harmonious field of energy.

When we meet the moment with our attention and allow and surrendering to depths of experience we can reach this more natural state of being.  This connectedness of being is beautiful to connect to and is never changing.  It is eternal.  When we can recognize and rest as this, life changes with more joy, peace and love rather than suffering.  

PART III / The Power of Surrender

Louise talks more in depth about her this idea of “I.”  Which is just a thought.  This identity and identification are just  stories and thoughts.  When we move through life in the heart and in the moment, we allow the divine to move through us.  We have to give up the control and everything we believe in so we can hand over our true power to our pure awareness.  She invites others to this in her sessions of Embodied Awareness and Meetings in Presence.  Many times something that’s underneath the surface bubbles up that needs to be released.  We meet what comes up and explore what arises in the moment.  

Drop the attention to the body and notice the sensations that are present.  Open and allow it to be here and feel it.  Surrender to the moment.  When we meet the moment in this way, the system then comes back into balance by itself.  Most people are searching for something outside of themselves or in the future for happiness, or love.  But if we all stop for a moment, we’d find out that it exists right now, inside of ourselves.  

Louise also talks about how this path seems to choose us.  This opening and “work” is actually in the non-doing and being.  She also talks about how “spirituality” is also a trap of a new belief system.  Which is no different as the identification is in place and not the surrendering of our true nature which is pure awareness, pure love.  

Everyone is doing their best and as true awareness, some move and live their life with unconscious patterns that are running the show.  Everyone is on their own journey and we can support them with compassion and unconditional love.    When we look at each other, there is no “you” or “me” only awareness looking back at itself.  

Louise Kay /

PART IV / You Are Awareness.  You Are Consciousness

Louise talks about a divide happening with extremist behavior and more people interested in spirituality.  It’s a critical moment in our evolution because humans have been behaving so unconsciously, we are starting to self destruct.  If we continue this way, we could wipe ourselves out.  

All of humans want to be happy and be at peace.  Whatever we are doing is because of our beliefs.  Some people have distorted belief systems which become their purpose and mission.  The only place we can find that peace and happiness is within our own being.  When we stop seeking for it on the outside we become disillusioned.  More and more people are looking for a deeper meaning to life and their true passion.  When you discover that, life can change.  Every moment becomes so delicious to be alive and express our true creativity.  

When we meet from the heart we can feel met, seen and connected to others which creates a wellbeing in life.  Louise’s  true purpose and idea of happiness is to find the beauty in every moment and to enjoy every minute of it.  By being fully present in the moment, regardless of how it presents itself.  It is very easy to enjoy the joy in life but when darkness happens we can also find the beauty in those moments.  We can feel good in every moment, regardless of the outside circumstances.  Open to those emotions and feel it deeply which creates a gateway to our true selves, which is only love.  When we contract, judge or avoid we close ourselves to that, which creates suffering.  It creates an argument about reality.  

This full surrender and being in these moments, we can experience sweetness and beauty in every moment.  Our perception of reality is based on our thoughts, beliefs and emotions.  We prove our beliefs to ourselves.  When we break free from this mind prison and purely be ourselves, life becomes magical and alive.