The EVOLUTION & Graduation
• of humanity •
If you cannot connect back to Source, you will miss this birthing.
remember who you are and why you are here
But Many on Earth are addicted to Fear.
This is all they know.
and it has become their comfort.
There are many types of this fear.
But It is not difficult to release yourself of fear.
Surrender to love
It's that SIMPLE
Open your heart.
Expose yourself.
Embrace your companions.
Expose your weaknesses.
Let go of fear.
face your fearS.
It is a figment of your own creation.
It will and cannot control you unless you let it.
The greatest fear most humans must face, Is the fear of Love.
To be noticed. To be loved.
We all willingly walk away from it. We are walking blind.
Why are we so afraid of love?
- Betrayal -
We hide ourselves from our closest friends and companions.
we must forgive ourselves and others.
You must surrender to your true self.
Then the Divine Spark inside all of us, can and will awaken you.
Each person has the ability to awaken and commune with their highest self.
Which is YOU.
You must surrender all of your fears to do this.
You must let go of, what you hide.
Many people here are hiding themselves daily from many aspects of their being.
They hide their true selves.
This place is consumed and rampant with fear.
It is a cancer, a virus. Remove this from your being.
If you face it you will evolve.
It invades, every single cell in this place called Earth.
It was never meant to evolve this way.
Many Aeons ago, Earth was created.
It was an experiment in the evolution of the Divine Spark. As all experiments go, they evolve.
It developed it's own way of living, breathing and existing. Humanity evolved into this.
Humanity evolved Into FEAR.
Earth is a living, breathing entity.
Just like you.
The energy on earth will be allowed to move forward.
It is time to become more.
The experiment of this place was to see how far away (Dark) from the Divine source (LIGHT),
this spark could survive and still thrive and grow.
Each one of these sparks have the same potential as any other.
We are those sparks and we are all The SAME.
There are many influences, nudging humanity and guiding US.